The origin of Robotics


When words become commonplace enough, it’s easy to assume that they have always been used, or that they are some how intrinsically related to whatever they refer to, but in reality a lot of the terminology we use comes from literature. Case in point:

10 Words You Might Think Came from Science (But are Really from Science Fiction)

In addition to that set of words, according to the OED, the term “robot” was originally a “reference to the mass-produced workers in Karel Čapek’s play  R.U.R.: Rossum’s Universal Robots (1920) which are assembled from artificially synthesized organic material.”

After all, words don’t just appear out of thin air with a predefined meaning. Someone has to come up with them at some point.

Are there any words, expressions, or phrases that you’ve been surprised to discover come from a book, movie, play or poem? (And don’t worry, Shakespeare will get his own discussion.)